Friday, June 27, 2008


A dark figure wreathed in darkness, shrouded in shadows enters a stone circle in the middle of the forest of the dead, the sign of death everywhere and the scent of doom strong in the forest. The greatest evil spawns here and none who entered has ever returned the same.

He carries a dark book of incantations with cryptic and ancient cryptic writing. He has no name. His followers only refer to him as “The Master”.

He and his minions drag a beautiful young woman onto the large stone in the center. The figure walks up to a stone door in the centre of the forest. He begins reading from his cursed book. A large bulky minion draws a dagger and prepares to strike. The blade still crusted with the blood of the slain and reeks of death. The woman, awoken by the sounds of “The Masters” incantation, panicked at the sight of the occult ritual.

“No! No! Please! Please!” She screamed.
“I’m sorry, wife.”
She screams as he slit her throat.

He sheds a single tear as he strikes her down upon the stone as her blood flows to the ground.

Her screams echo through the forest.

The gate glows and the ground quakes. Cracks appear and fire seems to come up from nowhere. A great dark void ripped open in the gate. A demonic figure with black horns crusted with blood, jumps through the gate and bows. It says in a low booming voice, “I have come to serve you, Master.”

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